Sunday, August 23, 2009

Star Student

Lst wec I wus star student. I got to be in the frunt of the lin ol wec. I got to breg in a postor uboot me and the gesin gr. I got to brig Prid Lion hom with me. He is a clas frind. We did los of fun stuf.
(Last week I was star student. I got to be in the front of the line all week. I got to bring in a poster all about me and the guessing jar. I got to bring Pride Lion home with me. He is a class friend. We did lots of fun stuff.)
He met my gugl frns. (He met my jungle friends.)
He went to my bascitbool gam. (He went to my basketball game.)He went to gmnasticx clas. (He went to gymnastics class.)We playd the Wii. (We played the Wii.)

I olso got the Harry Handwriting Award for my good handriteg. (I also got the Harry Handwriting Award for my good handwriting.)