Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back To School

This weck I strtid scool. It iz fun. My kindrgrtin techr is Ms. Silvestr and she is fun. I have a Scoobe Doo luch box for scool.
(This week I started school. It is fun. My kindergarten teacher is Ms. Sylvester and she is fun. I have a Scooby Doo lunch box for school.)
I dont woch tv on scool nits insted I play boord gams with my famle. My favrit noo gam is Cnect Foor. It is lat I hav to go to bed! Good nit.
(I don't watch TV on school nights instead I play board games with my family. My favorite new game is Connect Four. It is late I have to go to bed! Good night.)

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to hear about you starting school. I am so happy that you like your teacher, Miss Sylvester. Your lunch box is totally cool....did you pick it out yourself? I look forward to playing Connect Four with you. Get some sleep and have fun this weekend. Love, Gramma
