Monday, June 22, 2009

My Favorite Game

This wecend i had my frst bascitboll gam. it wuz so fun. I scord a baxit. My frnd Huntr is on my teem.
On Sunda I wosht my bik. I yoozt shaving creme to clen my bik. Then I woozt the hooz to wosh the shaving creme off. Huntr and Ella wosht thar biks to. We got wet. It wuz hrd wrc!

(This weekend I had my first basketball game. It was so fun. I scored a basket. My friend Hunter is on my team.
On Sunday I washed my bike. I used shaving cream to clean my bike. Then I used the hose to wash the shaving cream off. Hunter and Ella washed their bikes too. We got wet. It was hard work!)
Her I am woshig my bik. (Here I am washing my bike.) This is Huntr.
This is Ella.
This is me!


  1. Keaton, I wish I could have been at your game and seen you score a basket! Can only imagine how exciting that was...congratulations!! Good luck the rest of the season....are you the point guard? Keep us posted.

    Boy, I can see that you really worked hard at cleaning your they looked great when you were finished. A job well done...want to help me wash our car sometime? You and Ella are now experienced washers and I can use all the help I can get. Thanks for making me smile! Love you!(Ella and Ava too). Gramma

  2. Keaton, I forgot to shaving cream the secret weapon to getting your bike really clean? Luv, Gramma

  3. it is so cool to see me on yor blog. thanks for having me over.
