Friday, June 5, 2009

Hi Everybody!

hi this is keatons blog. i am fivin a hav. (5 1/2) i want you to cume to my blog latr. i wil tel you what i did today.


  1. Hey K - I can't wait to hear what you did today and see you tonight!!! Maybe some night swimming but you have to listen to Mommy & help her with Ella will ya!

  2. I'm excited to hear about your adventures! Maybe we can come play with you soon.

    -Rachel (Ty's Mom)

  3. Keaton,
    I am so excited to hear that you have a blog site and you can tell me all the things that you do this summer. I really miss you and this will keep me posted on your activities. Have fun and I will be waiting to read your next update. Love Gramma Karol

  4. Hello Keaton!!!

    How cool you have a blog site. I will look forward to hearing about your summer fun! Olivia, Isabella and your newest cousin Jackson are very exicted to hopefully see you this summer. I will keep in touch on your site! Love you tons! Aunt Tonja

  5. Your Grandma and Grandpa just stopped to visit me. They showed me how to get into your Blog. Such fun that will be. Love you--Gramma Jo


  6. Isn't this you have Gramma Jo on line too. Have fun with Daddy and Ella and Ava while Mommy is gone....I know you will be big helper. Love, Gramma

  7. LeRoy,

    I have your fishing pole all set to go so that when you come to Wisconsin we will be ready. See you soon --- Pete.

  8. Keaton: This is one of the coolest things that I have ever seen - a 5-year old with a blog! This is the first blog I have ever visited and I will be back to hear more! I hope to see you in July when you visit Wisconsin. Have a GREAT day big man!

    Uncle Bret
