Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 1 without Mommy

me and daddy had iscrem and wosht piris of the caribbeaen. I also wosht mommy flit on the captr.

(me and daddy had ice cream and watched pirates of the caribbean. I also watched mommy's flight on the computer).


  1. Glad to hear you are having fun with daddy! I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you Tuesday. Be good....kissy, kissy!


  2. Sounds like you and Daddy are doing just great!....guys rule! Love, Gramma

  3. Hey, keaton so glad you and your dad had a good time while mommy was away. Hope to see you soon!!!!

  4. Hi Keaton! Its me, Mrs. Sisson! How cool is it that you have a blog? I don't even have a blog. It sounds like you are having fun so far this summer! I hope the fun continues for you! I'll see you next school year!
