Monday, June 22, 2009

My Favorite Game

This wecend i had my frst bascitboll gam. it wuz so fun. I scord a baxit. My frnd Huntr is on my teem.
On Sunda I wosht my bik. I yoozt shaving creme to clen my bik. Then I woozt the hooz to wosh the shaving creme off. Huntr and Ella wosht thar biks to. We got wet. It wuz hrd wrc!

(This weekend I had my first basketball game. It was so fun. I scored a basket. My friend Hunter is on my team.
On Sunday I washed my bike. I used shaving cream to clean my bike. Then I used the hose to wash the shaving cream off. Hunter and Ella washed their bikes too. We got wet. It was hard work!)
Her I am woshig my bik. (Here I am washing my bike.) This is Huntr.
This is Ella.
This is me!

Monday, June 15, 2009

What A Weekend!

Frida I went to go met daddy at pae wae. I yuozd chopstix . it wuz soprfun. Satrda i climd a maotin. it wuz scare for ella. She wuz ok bcuz I wuz thar. Sunda we went to truadr goz. We lict pushg the litl crts!

(Friday I went to go meet Daddy at Pei Wei. I used chopsticks. It was super fun. Saturday I climbed a mountain. It was scary for Ella. She was okay because I was there. Sunday we went to Trader Joe's. We liked pushing the little carts!)

I am siting on the top. (I am sitting on top.)I wuz climeg. (I was climbing.)I am sitig in a hool. (I am sitting in a hole.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Week

This wec I did gimastix camp. It wus fun! I playd on the bors. Ella and my frens Same and Emma wr thar to. I am going bac to camp nxt wec.
(This week I did gymnastic camp. It was fun! I played on the bars. Ella and my friends Sammy and Emmah were there too. I am going back next week.)

I hav baxcboll practis tonit! My coch is daddy! I am exsitdid to go.
(I have basketball practice tonight. My coach is Daddy! I am excited to go.)
Check out this moves!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 1 without Mommy

me and daddy had iscrem and wosht piris of the caribbeaen. I also wosht mommy flit on the captr.

(me and daddy had ice cream and watched pirates of the caribbean. I also watched mommy's flight on the computer).

Friday, June 5, 2009

Pool Party

to day i went to a pool prte at my frend huntrs huoos. it wus extra fun! ol my nabrs wr thar! (Today I went to a pool party at my friend Hunter's house. It was extra fun! All my neighbors were there!)

this is huntr and me.

woo hoo i am having fun in the pool!

aftr the prte mommy tuk us to micdonls. i had chicin!
(After the party Mommy took us to Mc Donalds. I had chicken!)

Hi Everybody!

hi this is keatons blog. i am fivin a hav. (5 1/2) i want you to cume to my blog latr. i wil tel you what i did today.