Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wisconsin Vacation

I am in Wisconsn on vakshn. I am having fun, fun, fun! I wet on the jet sce, wet fishin on the bot and wet in the hot tub. Satrda we wet to the stat far. I soe my cusins and I ridid the rids. I soe los of animls and at hune iscrem, coatin cade and a choclet shac. On Sunda I playd woce toces with my cusins. At nit I soe firwrcx and I at rostid mrshmlos. It wus so cool!!!(I am in Wisconsin on vacation. I am having fun, fun, fun! I went on the jet ski, went fishing on the boat and went in the hot tub. Saturday we went to the State Fair. I saw my cousins and I rided the rides. I saw lots of animals and ate honey ice cream, cotton candy and a chocolate shake. On Sunday I played walkie talkies with my cousins. At night I saw fireworks and I ate roasted marshmallows. It was so cool!!!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Star Student

Lst wec I wus star student. I got to be in the frunt of the lin ol wec. I got to breg in a postor uboot me and the gesin gr. I got to brig Prid Lion hom with me. He is a clas frind. We did los of fun stuf.
(Last week I was star student. I got to be in the front of the line all week. I got to bring in a poster all about me and the guessing jar. I got to bring Pride Lion home with me. He is a class friend. We did lots of fun stuff.)
He met my gugl frns. (He met my jungle friends.)
He went to my bascitbool gam. (He went to my basketball game.)He went to gmnasticx clas. (He went to gymnastics class.)We playd the Wii. (We played the Wii.)

I olso got the Harry Handwriting Award for my good handriteg. (I also got the Harry Handwriting Award for my good handwriting.)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back To School

This weck I strtid scool. It iz fun. My kindrgrtin techr is Ms. Silvestr and she is fun. I have a Scoobe Doo luch box for scool.
(This week I started school. It is fun. My kindergarten teacher is Ms. Sylvester and she is fun. I have a Scooby Doo lunch box for school.)
I dont woch tv on scool nits insted I play boord gams with my famle. My favrit noo gam is Cnect Foor. It is lat I hav to go to bed! Good nit.
(I don't watch TV on school nights instead I play board games with my family. My favorite new game is Connect Four. It is late I have to go to bed! Good night.)

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Favorite Game

This wecend i had my frst bascitboll gam. it wuz so fun. I scord a baxit. My frnd Huntr is on my teem.
On Sunda I wosht my bik. I yoozt shaving creme to clen my bik. Then I woozt the hooz to wosh the shaving creme off. Huntr and Ella wosht thar biks to. We got wet. It wuz hrd wrc!

(This weekend I had my first basketball game. It was so fun. I scored a basket. My friend Hunter is on my team.
On Sunday I washed my bike. I used shaving cream to clean my bike. Then I used the hose to wash the shaving cream off. Hunter and Ella washed their bikes too. We got wet. It was hard work!)
Her I am woshig my bik. (Here I am washing my bike.) This is Huntr.
This is Ella.
This is me!

Monday, June 15, 2009

What A Weekend!

Frida I went to go met daddy at pae wae. I yuozd chopstix . it wuz soprfun. Satrda i climd a maotin. it wuz scare for ella. She wuz ok bcuz I wuz thar. Sunda we went to truadr goz. We lict pushg the litl crts!

(Friday I went to go meet Daddy at Pei Wei. I used chopsticks. It was super fun. Saturday I climbed a mountain. It was scary for Ella. She was okay because I was there. Sunday we went to Trader Joe's. We liked pushing the little carts!)

I am siting on the top. (I am sitting on top.)I wuz climeg. (I was climbing.)I am sitig in a hool. (I am sitting in a hole.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Week

This wec I did gimastix camp. It wus fun! I playd on the bors. Ella and my frens Same and Emma wr thar to. I am going bac to camp nxt wec.
(This week I did gymnastic camp. It was fun! I played on the bars. Ella and my friends Sammy and Emmah were there too. I am going back next week.)

I hav baxcboll practis tonit! My coch is daddy! I am exsitdid to go.
(I have basketball practice tonight. My coach is Daddy! I am excited to go.)
Check out this moves!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 1 without Mommy

me and daddy had iscrem and wosht piris of the caribbeaen. I also wosht mommy flit on the captr.

(me and daddy had ice cream and watched pirates of the caribbean. I also watched mommy's flight on the computer).